Should I Get a Tooth Bridge or an Implant

By | February 3, 2018


What is bridge or what is implant? Bridge is a space made of two or more teeth. These two or more crowns are called abutment teeth or a fake tooth in between those missing teeth. These are made of gold, alloys, porcelain or even combination of these metals. Here are some lists of benefits that are provided by dental implants.

–        Restore your smile

–        Restore the ability to properly chew or speak.

–        Distribute the forces in your bite properly by replacing the teeth

–        Prevent remaining teeth for drifting out position

What type of dental bridges available?

–        Traditional bridges: traditional bridges are made up of porcelain fused metal or ceramics; it is the most common type of bridges.

–        Cantilever bridge: are used when only to adjust one side of the missing tooth or teeth.

–        Maryland bounded bridges: are used when porcelain fused with plastic or with metal or teeth or gum.

Implant is also a best option for dental patients.

Benefits of implants:

–        Feel: because they are implanted in your gum it feels like your real teeth.

–        Convenience: you don’t need to worry about your implants they take the responsibility for this. If you have any problem just click on fallout on your denture slip.

–        Nutrition: with the help of this implant you will be able to chew better and get all the nutrition.

–        Self- esteem: after implant; your fake teeth will be as much real that you don’t pay attention much on them.

There are several types of implants like root form, subperiosteal, mini.

Why implant-supported treatment is better for your oral health:

Dental implants are the next best thing for your life and your tooth; it keeps your teeth healthy natural for a long time. It restores the place with an artificial tooth than acts as a natural tooth for your mouth and makes your chewing and daily life work easier.

Dental implant last for long that makes them a better choice for you and cost worthy solution. It can last for 5 to 7 years but with good care it can last for more than 10 years. It allows you to enjoy your tour life at the full without worrying about your teeth and will help you in your daily life work. Dental implants retain your natural smile and shape of face without any problem. A face without teeth looks like a sunken bag so this is the best option for you. Dental implant protects your natural face shape and bone leavings gaps were there was teeth can lead you to some health issues. This can infect your mouth so make an implant it’s safe and good for you. Dental implant keeps your teeth in your mouth not in a cup like a denture keeps they place the exact teeth to their exact place and make them fit for your mouth. Dental implant allows you to speak freely without embarrassing. Dental implants allow you to eat your favourite food without any hesitation. You don’t even have a chance of having cavities with dental implant. Dental implants keep your teeth in place. Dental implants are more predictable than other types of implants or repairs.

Replacing  multiple tooth

In this implants multiple number of tooth are implanted in your mouth this implants include multiple tooth placement with artificial tooth. It gives many advantages which will provide you a good health for your tooth. Replacing multiple teeth is good it will provide you a better shape for your face and will provide you a good and strong jaw.

So-tooth Bridge or implant?

Both are good but have some loses with it. By loses means it have some drawbacks with it. But if you decide bridge for yourself than it is good but it needs to Replaced time to time. And implant may sound costly but it will last more time than bridge but it requires care also to maintain the implant.


These are some important points for the patients who have dental problems so if you follow our instruction you will get a great result for your life but it’s your choice which you want to choose.
