Category Archives: Heart Attack

TAVR Procedure Has Given A New Lease Of Life To 83-Year-Old Lady Suffering From Heart Attack

Resident of Mumbai an 83-year-old Dnyaneshwari Swami earned a new lease of life through a minimally invasive, life-saving procedure, called Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement (TAVR), in which a Third Generation Leak proof valve was installed high up in the heart to control blood flow to the heart, thereby increasing the patient’s chances of survival. A… Read More »

Unexpected Heart Attack Triggers

Lack of Sleep If you don’t get enough sleep on a regular basis you will not only feel tired and grumpy but it can also raise your risk of a heart attack. Researchers have found in a study that people who often sleep fewer than six hours at night are more likely to have heart… Read More »