Dr. Ashwin M. Daware
Interventional Cardiologist
MD (Gen. Med.), DNB (Cardiology), MNAMS
Consultant - Cardiology
Dr. Ashwin Daware is the most comprehensively trained Interventional Cardiologist, in all subspecialties in cardiology ranging from basic to advance.
He has received training in Echocardiography, newer imaging techniques of Cardiovascular MR, Coronary CTA and Advanced International Cardiology and Electrophysiology. He has extensive experience in diagnosing & managing all kinds of cardiovascular emergences.
Coronary .Renal .Pulmonary .Pediatric Cardiac Catheterization
Coronary Angioplasty
Multivessel Stenting
Bifurcation Stenting
Renal Angioplasty
Pediatric Interventions like ASD, PDA device closure
IVUS (Intra Vascular Sound Imaging) & FFR (Fractional Flow Reserve Assessment)
Performed More than 5000 echoes
Trans-thoracic Echo
Trans-esophageal Echo
Well versed to tissue Doppler imaging
Exposed to strain rate imaging
Exposed to strain rate imaging
Exposed to 3D echo
Cardiac CT: More than 50 studies in Coronary CT Angiography
Cardiac MRI: More than 50 studies in Cardiac MRI
Nuclear Cardiology: More than 50 studies in SPECT Imaging
Professional Qualification
2009 DNB (Cardiology) National Board of examinations (NBE)
2004 MD (Gen. Medicine) Department of Medicine, GMCH, Nagpur
1994 - 2001 MBBS Dr.P.D.M. Medical College Amravati