Nigerian Patient Success Story Surgical Ligation and Stripping in Nagpur India
Surgical Ligation and Stripping in Nagpur-A perfect solace for quality conscious International Medical tourists coming from all across the world
Surgical Ligation and Stripping in Nagpur has emerged as a perfect solace for quality conscious international medical tourists coming from all across the world. The factor which propels the foreign patients for various medical treatment and surgeries including the Surgical Ligation and Stripping in Nagpur is an easy access to high quality medical services at quiet affordable prices. We at Indian Healthguru group have been expediting such medical treatments and surgeries since quiet sometime and have set our trends of giving quality service to international patients. The foreign patients coming down to India for their desired medical treatments also get a leisure package wherein they enjoy visiting tourist places of rich Indian Heritage and take away gripping memories with them. Unlike others, Mr. Adeyanju from Nigeria also visited for his Surgical Ligation and Stripping in Nagpur. He shares his experience with us.
Hello, I am Mr. Adeyanju, I am from Nigeria. Last month, I had my Surgical Ligation and Stripping in Nagpur at one of the best hospital based at central India. I am obliged to my medical consultant- Indian Healthguru Group, who played their key role in managing my entire Surgical Ligation and Stripping in Nagpur with paramount care and professionalism. I vividly remember my life was moving on a rocky path due to the ugly shape of my leg and I often had constant pain in it with leg cramps which caused whole lot of fatigue at the end of the day. I consulted a local doctor, narrated my entire saga of pain and agony. The doctor after listening to my story did a careful observation and confided that my varicose veins are wrecking all havoc hence I need to take care of it, I, therefore require a Surgical Ligation and Stripping. He suggested couple of places nearby; however, after visiting them, I couldn’t find any place worth enough to go with. I was in dilemma about the road ahead, when a close friend of mine who happens to be a medico suggested me to search for Surgical Ligation and Stripping in India. He had few friends who had good stories about moving to India for few medical treatments, though, I was initially reluctant, however, when searched over the internet about Surgical Ligation and Stripping in India, I was flooded with plenty of information and data suggesting how India seems to be a upcoming pioneer in the field of Healthcare sector.
Later, during my internet research for Surgical Ligation and Stripping in India I discovered a medical tourism company called Indian Healthguru Group, who is into the business of managing and providing medical services to international patient’s at the most affordable and lucrative prices. After reading few of the testimonials, especially of the Nigerians, I was convinced that India is the right place to be considered for my Surgical Ligation and Stripping. I then e mailed my query about having my treatment in India, the response was quick in a form of an e mail and a call, an executive answered all my concerns and apprehensions and assured me the best result. He collected all my medical reports and medical history, and turned up with an expert advice after having a word with the panel of experienced surgeons and doctors in India. The package which the Indian Healthguru Group posed seemed to be of my budget hence without any further delay confirmed for my Surgical Ligation and Stripping in Nagpur- India.
When I reached for my Surgical Ligation and Stripping in Nagpur- India I was pleased to discover systematic arrangements from the Indian Healthguru team which was seen till the last day of my stay. The first thing we did was to meet my surgeon who was scheduled to carry my Surgical Ligation and Stripping in Nagpur- India. He seemed a good person, he assured me, helped me to settle down my nervousness. After talking to him and looking at the Hospital, I was assured for the best results of my medical treatment. Soon the day dawned when I was to be operated for my Surgical Ligation and Stripping in Nagpur- India. I was asked to fast for 6 hours prior to the operation, was given premeditation for sedation before going to the operation theatre. The legs are shaved in the ward; Veins were marked out by Texta colour immediately before operation. The anaesthetic was given in the theatre through a small needle in the hand. My doctor said that I would wake in recovery remembering little about the experience. During my Surgical Ligation and Stripping in Nagpur- India for treating my medium-sized varicose veins was performed under local anesthesia. After my leg was anesthetized, the surgeon made a series of very small vertical incisions 1–3 mm in length along the length of the affected vein. These incisions do not require stitches or tape closure afterward. Beginning with the more heavily involved areas of the leg, the surgeon inserted a phlebectomy hook through each micro-incision. The vein segment was drawn through the incision, held with a mosquito clamp, and pulled out through the incision. This technique requires the surgeon to be especially careful when removing varicose veins in the ankle, foot, or back of the knee. After all the vein segments were removed, the surgeon washed my leg with hydrogen peroxide and covered the area with a foam wrap, several layers of cotton wrap, and an adhesive bandage. A compression stocking was then drawn up over the wrapping. Thus my Surgical Ligation and Stripping in Nagpur- India went smooth.
The bandages were removed after 4 days after the Surgical Ligation and Stripping in Nagpur- India but my doctor asked me wear the compression stocking for another two weeks to minimize bruising and swelling. I was encouraged to walk around for 10–15 minutes before leaving for work or anywhere; this mild activity really helped me to minimize the risk of a blood clot forming in the deep veins of the leg. I am really satisfied by the arrangements made by the medical consultant- Indian Healthguru Group for my Surgical Ligation and Stripping in Nagpur- India I also got the opportunity to do some shopping for my family members and few friends. I am thankful to Indian Healthguru for providing the care and also thankful to all the dedicated doctors, nurses, therapists, aides and the other staffs who treated me during my Surgical Ligation and Stripping in Nagpur- India. I am sure with such a great service; I would be suggesting the medical consultant to anyone looking for medical treatment in India.
Thank you,
Mr. Adeyanju,
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